Write to your candidate: Genetically engineered PBOs must be labelled and traceable

Right now – and for a very short time – we have a rare window of opportunity to put the issue of genetically engineered food in the UK food system in front of would-be MPs and demand that they take action.

Before the general election was called, the government was in the process of introducing new regulations to the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act that would make it fully operational. That process is now on hold until after the election. A new government will have the power to alter these proposed regulations in a way that can reflect what citizens in this country have repeatedly said they want: for genetically engineered precision-bred foods (PBOs) to be labelled and fully traceable through the food system so that they can exercise their consumer right to know what they are eating.

It won’t be given to us – we have to ask for it.

The UK’s GM campaign groups have come together to make it simpler for citizens to write to their candidates and urge them to commit to ensuring that forthcoming regulations for the Act include provisions for mandatory labelling, greater regulatory transparency and ongoing – and meaningful – public engagement on an issue of deep public concern. 

To tell your next MP it's time for a change, type your postcode in the box below.